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15 Sep
Once I’ve asked if I can pray I will then ask if I can put my hand on the part of the body where the pain is (as long as it’s not in any inappropriate area or an area that may cause embarrassment to them, otherwise just a gentle hand on the shoulder is fine).
I would then ask, where would you rate your pain on a level of 1-10? (10 being the highest pain). I would then pray my best ‘short prayer’, because we really don’t need to say a long-winded prayer, and command the pain to go in Jesus Name. I may say “I speak to the pain in this left arm and command it to go in Jesus name “or “I pray for all pain to go now in Jesus name” or “I pray for bones to knit back together in Jesus name and pain to go”. Hopefully you get the idea.
I will then ask them, if they are able, to test out the area I’ve prayed for by moving it. Encourage them to move it as a sign of active faith on their part and to move it so you can see it being moved and not a tiny shrug of the area, you want them to properly test it out!
Ask them if the level of pain has changed at all, often it has decreased or even gone completely. But, at this point don’t panic if there seems to be no apparentchange. Sometimes the healing may come later so we never say there has been no healing because God can do anything and in his own time-frame.
If pain is still there don’t be afraid of offering to pray again. I would say something like, “I’m really happy to pray again, let’s go”. Then repeat the process.
I have prayed up to three times and that does not feel weird at all and I would tell people that sometimes it takes a few attempts.
Always ask them to test it out and ask where they are at with pain on the 1-10 scale.